
The court interpreter management system.

This sandbox installation is using dummy data. Feel free to use any of the following fake user accounts below to log in and play around. The hat is our term for a user's job title and role in the court system. If you log in as staff court interpreter, your account has sufficient privileges to administer the interpreters' schedule. Most other accounts can post requests for interpreting services.

All user accounts have the same initial password: boink. Feel free to log in and give it a go.

| username  | hat                       | name               |
| serena    | Courtroom Deputy          | Serena Williams    |
| ronald    | Courtroom Deputy          | Ronald McDonald    |
| esmeralda | Courtroom Deputy          | Esmeralda Rojas    |
| deedee    | Courtroom Deputy          | Deedee Bridgewater |
| iris      | Courtroom Deputy          | Iris Murdoch       |
| wes       | Courtroom Deputy          | Wes Montgomery     |
| zack      | Courtroom Deputy          | Zack Zimmer        |
| herbie    | Courtroom Deputy          | Herbie Hancock     |
| nikki     | Courtroom Deputy          | Nikki Minaj        |
| hoyt      | Courtroom Deputy          | Hoyt Gackersly     |
| ting      | Courtroom Deputy          | Ting Ho            |
| katelynn  | Interpreters Office staff | Katelynn González  |
| brad      | Law Clerk                 | Brad Pitt          |
| kim       | Law Clerk                 | Kim Kardashian     |
| mylie     | Law Clerk                 | Mylie Schwartzberg |
| charlie   | Law Clerk                 | Charles Parker     |
| angela    | Law Clerk                 | Angela Merkel      |
| carmen    | Law Clerk                 | Carmen Lundy       |
| amy       | Law Clerk                 | Amy Hartford       |
| allen     | Law Clerk                 | Allen Ginsberg     |
| elvis     | Law Clerk                 | Elvis Presley      |
| john      | Pretrial Services Officer | John Somebody      |
| admin     | staff court interpreter   | Sonia Staffinterp  |
| angel     | staff court interpreter   | Ángel Romero       |
| sternberg | USPO                      | Brian Sternberg    |
| graciela  | USPO                      | Graciela Pérez     |
| lyvia     | USPO                      | Lydia Ramos        |
| susan     | USPO                      | Susan Somebody     |

Please note: a few features are not yet implemented, so there may be still some things that do little or nothing when you click on them. New user registration, password recovery and other email-dependent features are disabled on this site.

Your comments and questions are eagerly welcomed. Please send them to